Remove Your Unwanted Hair with Laser Hair Removal

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There are a lot of ways to manually remove unwanted hair from your body. These include shaving, electrolysis, waxing, and chemical hair removal procedures.

All of these procedures take time, they can be expensive, they need to be repeated frequently, and worst of all they can be very uncomfortable. This has led people to become interested in more permanent, or at least semi-permanent, hair removal options. One of the most popular options for permanent hair removal is laser hair removal.

Laser devices are used to direct heat energy to the unwanted hair. This heat energy will penetrate every strand, disabling the follicles. Once the follicles become disabled, they can no longer produce new hair.

One of the biggest benefits of laser hair removal is how fast the treatment can be performed. In just a few seconds, a member of our team can treat an area equivalent to the size of a quarter. In just a few minutes, your entire upper lip area can be treated.

The laser hair removal technique is considered to be exceptionally safe. It is more comfortable than other permanent processes. Most patients describe the sensation they have with laser hair removal as the equivalent of getting snapped on the skin by a rubber band.

The majority of people who undergo this process have long-lasting hair removal and some are even left with permanent hair reduction. This procedure is effective at removing hair from large areas, such as on your back and legs.

It is good to reiterate that laser treatments are approved by the FDA for hair reduction. They are not approved for permanent hair removal. This means that you should expect some regrowth of hair.

You may experience some side effects such as itching, or swelling. These side effects will usually dissipate in just a few days.

Laser hair removal is not a one time treatment. Since the hair on your body grows in cycles, the treatment can only affect the hair that is in the current growth cycle. This means that you may need multiple treatments.

If you would like to be one of the millions of people who have experienced the benefits of laser hair removal, call our office today to schedule a consultation at Pierre Skin Care Institute in Thousand Oaks or Westlake Village. We would be happy to help you reduce the hair growth on your body while leaving your skin soft and smooth!

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