Consider Kybella for Discreet Double Chin Removal

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A lot of people have cosmetic issues. Sometimes, the issue is excess weight, hair loss, deep wrinkles, fine lines or pigmentation. One of the most common issues is a double chin. You may have already attempted to eliminate your double chin by following a sensible diet and exercise routine only to have failed. This is because this is one of the most difficult issues to correct. Although some people consider having surgery to resolve the issue, there are risks and a fairly lengthy period of downtime, and the discomfort factor must be considered. The best possible solution for double chin removal is called Kybella®. This is the only solution for a double chin that does not require surgery and has received approval from the FDA. The injection is based on a naturally-occurring molecule with the ability to literally dissolve the fat beneath your chin.

Once your fat cells have been destroyed, they are unable to accumulate or store fat. When correctly injected by a medical professional, the procedure destroys the fat while leaving all of the other cells intact and healthy. This procedure has been approved by the FDA specifically for the treatment of submental fat. This is more commonly referred to as a double chin. The procedure helps create a much better aesthetic balance between your face and your neck. One of the most common cosmetic concerns has become submental fat. This is because so many individuals feel self-conscious regarding their overall appearance and more specifically their profile. Kybella® has been shown to be effective for treating the submental fat due to the deoxycholic acid content.

This acid is a naturally-occurring molecule found within your body with the purpose of helping to break down fat. The injections are given beneath your chin by a medical professional. This enables the product to prevent your body from storing fat in the future in the same area by destroying your fat cells. This means your neck can be contoured to ensure the balance between your chin and the rest of your face is more ideal. You can even add the use of fillers to the procedure for the creation of an ultimate facial balance. The majority of individuals who have had this treatment saw their optimal results within a series of treatment sessions. The length of the average procedure is just minutes. There is absolutely no set downtime after this treatment.

Once you have achieved the results you want, you do not need to have any more treatments. The number of treatments necessary will be determined by the medical professional during your initial consultation. This decision is based on the specific profile of your chin. In most cases, visible results can be seen after multiple treatments. According to clinical studies, 59 percent of all the participants saw optimal results within just four treatments. After six treatments, this number increased to 72 percent. During each session, multiple injections will be given beneath your chin. The entire procedure only requires minutes of your time. You need to make certain you schedule your treatments a certain amount of time apart.

It is important to note there are certain individuals who should not have this treatment. This includes any individual with an infection in the area being treated. It is also very important to inform the medical professional if you:

• Are planning to or have had surgery on the chin, neck or face.
• Have a bleeding condition.
• Have had or currently have a medical condition near or on the face, neck or chin.
• Are currently pregnant or breastfeeding or plan to become pregnant.
• Have already had a cosmetic treatment on the chin, neck or face.
• Have had or currently have difficulty swallowing.
• Are currently using any medications to prevent your blood from clotting.

It is important to inform the medical professional about all current medications including over-the-counter and prescription medications, herbal supplements and vitamins. The procedure is safe because the active ingredient in the product is found naturally in the human body. This is an injectable drug administered beneath your chin by a medical professional. Kybella® has received approval for the treatment of severe and moderate fat beneath the chin. During your treatment, you will receive an injection series. The product contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring compound. Your body manufactures this acid for the digestion of fat. When the injections are placed into the fat during this double chin removal treatment, the result is the destruction of the fat cells.

You should see the fat beneath your chin start to decrease after two to three sessions. Your sessions must be scheduled no less than one month apart. Your results last because the injections effectively destroy the submental fat cells beneath your chin. Once you see the results you desire, there is no need for further treatments. A lot of individuals feel the fat under their chin makes them look heavier and negatively impacts their appearance. This solution is ideal because the procedure is fast, there is no surgery necessary, no downtime and the undesirable fat beneath your chin can be eliminated. Prior to being given the green light for your double chin removal treatment, the medical professional will examine the areas around and beneath your chin to determine if this treatment is right for your wants and needs.

Once approved for the procedure, a plan will be customized for the treatment of the problem areas under your chin. It is important to note Kybella® has been available since 2015. This remains the only injectable capable of permanently destroying fat cells. This is the most common procedure for the treatment of submental fat beneath the chin. Your fat cells are dissolved completely by the deoxycholic acid in the injections. This means the chances of gaining fat in the exact same area is extremely unlikely.

The injections start to break down the cells of fat immediately. In most cases, the final results require weeks after your last treatment to appear. A numbing cream can be applied to your skin prior to the injections to help ensure you remain comfortable and out of discomfort during your treatment. It is important to take the time to remove all of your cosmetics prior to your treatment. This will shorten the time necessary for preparation.

Although it is difficult to gain weight under your chin, it is possible. If you gain a substantial amount of weight after your treatment, your fat cells from the surrounding areas can expand, resulting in different fat beneath your chin.

The Benefits of Kybella®

This double chin removal procedure offers numerous benefits in addition to eliminating the fat under your chin. This includes:

• In the past, the only way to eliminate excess fat beneath the chin was with surgery. This procedure is a much less extreme course of action. Your appearance can be successfully changed by the medical professional by placing a series of injections under your chin. This enables you to be happier with your appearance.

• This is a permanent solution for submental fat under your chin. Once you have completed your sessions, they will never have to be repeated. Your fat cells will not return. Unless you gain a lot of weight, your results will not change as time passes.

• Even though the specific number of injections required will depend on the size of the area being targeted and your individual body type, the process is fast.

• The experience for any procedure is dependent on the outlook of the individual. This being said, the treatment is designed to be fast and convenient without the need for general anesthesia. The procedure is also convenient because it is performed right in the comfort of our office.

• Once the excess fat beneath your chin has been eliminated, your entire appearance will be more youthful and refreshed. You will feel better and look younger because your desired results will have been achieved.

One of the acids produced by your body is called deoxycholic acid. This acid assists your body in the absorption of fat. A synthetic form of this acid is used for the injections. Once you have received the injections, your fat cells beneath your chin are destroyed. This means fat can no longer be stored in this area. It is important to ensure the medical professional has experience in administering these injections. If administered improperly, other cells in your body can be killed by the injections. Your treatment should be well-planned with the medical professional once ensuring you are a good candidate for this procedure. You will discuss your medical history including any cosmetic procedures you have had in the past for your chin, neck or face.

This procedure was created to target fat under the chin through the use of injections as opposed to having surgery. Incisions are not necessary, you will not experience any real downtime and the procedure is effective. The best candidates have realistic expectations regarding the treatment and what it can accomplish. Of course, our team will make sure you know what to expect during your consultation.

Getting Started with Your Treatment

If you want to eliminate a double chin, this may be the answer you have been looking for when it comes to double chin removal. If you are interested in Kybella®, please feel free to reach out to Pierre Skin Care Institute so your personal consultation can be arranged at our office in Thousand Oaks. Whether you live in Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Camarillo, Ventura, Oxnard, Moorpark or Simi Valley, contact us today to book an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

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