Getting Started with BOTOX Injections

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BOTOX® injections are the best way to achieve a more youthful look. Many people want to get rid of the general signs of aging and sun damage but don’t want to undergo surgery and a long recovery process. Most of all, they don’t want to look artificial or overdone but aren’t sure of the best route to take. The modern approach to a youthful appearance today means smart maintenance with a non-invasive quality. Here at Pierre Skin Care Institute, we are proud to offer this time-honored cosmetic solution and encourage you to learn more about it.


Smoothing Away Wrinkles


There is nothing desirable about wrinkles and frowning expressions and the way these annoying lines can make you look angry and older. BOTOX® can smooth them away in sheer minutes. The treatment session is safe, simple and only requires about 10 minutes of your time. Best of all, there is zero downtime, and you can return to your normal daily schedule.


BOTOX® has been the number one injectable for years now, and it increases yearly in people who seek its anti-aging benefits. The injections have been going strong since 2002. That is when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the super serum the green light for cosmetic use. At the time, BOTOX® injections were advertised for removing the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows.


Today, the injectable can also treat the crow’s feet at the outer eye area, the horizontal forehead wrinkles, the bunny lines at the nose bridge, smile lines and even cobblestones or chin dents. It can also give you a younger-looking neck.


Temporary but Long-Lasting


BOTOX® injections don’t require any long-term commitment. One treatment session will deliver effects that last  for a number of months. You can return for more BOTOX® after the results begin wearing off.


BOTOX® is not a filler but works well with dermal facial fillers. BOTOX® stops wrinkles in their tracks, and fillers can add volume and more defined facial contours. Together, the two injectables can turn back the signs of aging quite remarkably, and when administered by a skilled and talented injector, the results deliver smooth skin with a natural youthfulness.


Get In Touch with Us for More Information


You have a lot of cosmetic options these days, and it’s not easy knowing which direction to take. Skin care experts agree that BOTOX® injections are a safe and subtle route to consider. The serum works well on adults with any skin type and skin tone. If you’re excited to try BOTOX®, feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Pierre Skin Care Institute. At our convenient locations in Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Camarillo, Ventura, Oxnard, Moorpark, and Simi Valley, our caring and dedicated team of professionals will be pleased to explain this option and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation!

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