Am I a Candidate For CELLUTONE?

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Some women have tried every method to fix their cellulite. They may use vitamin-enriched creams or body wraps or gels. The most effective solution to maintain healthy skin is to undergo a professional skincare treatment like CELLUTONE™. First, see if you have the right qualities to benefit from having this procedure.


The Purpose of CELLUTONE™


CELLUTONE™ is designed to reduce the appearance of cellulite on your skin. This condition mostly affects women as they age. Cellulite appears on the fatty tissues, such as the legs, abdomen, thighs and under the arms. It’s not a major health concern and not a symptom of other serious diseases. Most people simply don’t like the look for cellulite on their skin.


CELLUTONE™ uses vibrations to stimulate the skin that is covered in cellulite, which increases blood flow to the area. The skin is able to restore its structure, removing waste and rebuilding collagen. CELLUTONE™ does not prevent the condition from returning, but it does promote the appearance of a fresh layer of skin.


Who Can Benefit From This Procedure?


CELLUTONE™ targets the groups who suffer with cellulite the most, which are middle-aged women. They develop cellulite as they get older and their skin loses the ability to repair itself. Some women’s metabolism slows down, some gain weight and others have fluctuating hormones.


Even so, this treatment works on women of all ages from their early 20s to late 80s. Vibrations work on all skin types and conditions. A wide range of people make good candidates for this procedure in contrast to laser hair removal or liposuction.


Those who want a non-invasive treatment will benefit from CELLUTONE™. This procedure uses vibrations without any need for surgery or injections. There are minimal side effects except for some short-term tingling or tenderness on the skin.


People who undergo CELLUTONE™ must be patient and committed for the long term. They are required to undergo more than one treatment to see long-lasting results. Most plans last for several weeks and require a minimum of three sessions or up to six.


Having cellulite is normal for any middle-aged woman. There are many options to look at, including CELLUTONE™, that work on all types of cellulite. The treatment is non-invasive with minimal side effects, so many people are good candidates. The Pierre Skin Care Institute provides consultations to those who are interested in trying their services and need more information. Contact us today to schedule your consultation! We are conveniently located in Thousand Oaks, CA.

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