Clear + Brilliant®

Reduce the Appearance of Large Pores, Address Melasma, and Repair Sun Damage in Thousand Oaks

Signs of aging are actually damage to the skin, caused by the breakdown of beneficial molecules over time—often made worse by cumulative sun exposure and even pollution. With that in mind, repairing the damage with Clear + Brilliant® at Thousand Oaks’ Pierre Skin Care Institute can generate a more youthful look.
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Clear + Brilliant® is a laser device designed to encourage natural healing in the skin. Sessions are both quick and gentle, with many people choosing Clear + Brilliant® not only to improve their appearance, but also to “protect their investment” by enhancing and maintaining the results of other cosmetic treatments.

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What Does Clear + Brilliant® Address?

By jump-starting natural repair processes in the skin, Clear + Brilliant® can address fine lines, enlarged pores, cosmetic sun damage, age spots and other discolorations, uneven texture, brown spots due to melasma (also known as the mask of pregnancy), and more. Treatments also work to prevent minor cosmetic issues from becoming more apparent in the future.

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How Does Clear + Brilliant® Work?

The Clear + Brilliant® laser makes millions of tiny wounds, known as micro-channels, in the surface of the skin. The body reads each of these minor points of damage as a healing zone, sending resources and starting processes to create new, healthy skin. The idea behind Clear + Brilliant® is the same as other laser skin resurfacing treatments: It replaces the dull, damaged surface with a new one. The result is a more youthful complexion.

Clear + Brilliant® laser therapy is safe for people of all skin types.

How Is Clear + Brilliant® Administered?

Because laser energy is involved, patients may first get a topical numbing cream on the treatment area to minimize discomfort. The handpiece is designed to move directly across the skin, using a patented system to ensure the light is applied uniformly for even results.

A Clear + Brilliant® laser therapy session can be completed within 20 minutes, making it an ideal lunch hour treatment for wrinkles, fine lines, or large pores. The duration of your session will ultimately depend on the size, location, and extent of the designated treatment area.

Dr. Pierre recommends between four to six laser therapy sessions to achieve the best possible results. However, the exact number of treatments you may need will depend on your cosmetic goals, as well as the extent of the aesthetic concerns being treated.

Why Choose Pierre Skin Care Institute for Clear + Brilliant® in Thousand Oaks?

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Peterson Pierre puts an emphasis on safe, proven, and advanced technology, such as Clear + Brilliant®, at his Thousand Oaks practice. Sophisticated devices require specialized training, so anyone choosing a treatment at his practice will know that they are working with a team that has put in the time and effort to safely provide beautiful results.

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What Can You Expect After a Clear + Brilliant® Treatment?

Certain improvements will be visible shortly after a Clear + Brilliant® session, with a softening, evening, and brightening effect becoming increasingly apparent within two weeks. The results can continue to improve, and then last for months under ideal conditions. This is because the healing processes involve creation of collagen and other molecules, which leads to gradual improvement.

Known side effects include slight swelling, redness, and tenderness in the treatment area, though other reactions are possible. Patients typically see any such conditions fade in a matter of days, and no significant down time for healing or recovery is required.

The treated skin will be especially sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so adequate sun protection—a high-SPF sunscreen and physical covering—are important. Staying sun smart can prevent unwanted pigmentation changes, as well as sunburns.

Are There Treatments to Complement or Alternate for Clean + Brilliant in Thousand Oaks?

Another light-based treatment, LaseMD skin resurfacing, uses nonablative laser energy to encourage collagen production and cell turnover. Microneedling creates small channels in the skin, similar to Clear + Brilliant®, but uses tiny needles instead of light.

The rejuvenating effects of Clear + Brilliant® may be paired with wrinkle-smoothing injectables such as BOTOX® or Juvéderm®, in order to provide a more comprehensive treatment.

Talk to the Pierre Skin Care Institute team to explore which combination of treatments may be ideal for you. We can create a customized plan that fits your goals, lifestyle, and budget.

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