Laser Hair Removal
Trade Out Razors for Long-Term Smooth Skin in Thousand Oaks
For many people, their ideal skin is smooth, soft, and silky—not covered with prickly stubble, irritated by razor bumps, or marred by nicks. Laser hair removal at Thousand Oaks’ Pierre Skin Care Institute allows women and men alike to get the benefits of long-term hair reduction without the need for razors, waxing, or plucking.
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What Does Laser Hair Removal Accomplish?
Shaving and other mechanical hair-removal methods are effective, but repetitive and prone to causing redness, ingrown hairs, and other issues. Part of the problem is the fact that these techniques focus on the hair itself by either cutting it or pulling it out.
Laser hair removal focuses on a different feature: the follicle.
By damaging the structures that grow hairs, laser hair removal deals with the literal root of the problem. Once disabled, the follicles are unable to grow new hairs as they should. Even when hair production eventually resumes, the hairs that appear are typically finer and lighter in color, making them less noticeable and easier to deal with.
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How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Darker areas in the skin more readily absorb light energy than their lighter-colored counterparts. Pigment in the follicle, known as melanin, rapidly heats up when hit with light during a laser hair removal session.
Once they get hot enough, the follicles shut down production.
It is important to understand that this method only works on follicles that are in their active growth phase, known as anagen, because that is when they have the highest concentrations of melanin. Any follicles that are preparing to push out an old hair or are resting at the time of the treatment are not significantly impacted. For this reason, several laser hair removal treatments will be necessary in order to allow untouched follicles to cycle into their own active phases.
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What Is Different About Laser Hair Removal?
For many years, the only long-lasting solution to unwanted body hair was electrolysis, which involved lengthy, painful procedures that zapped the skin and provided only moderate results at best. Laser technology revolutionized hair removal efforts by introducing an effective procedure that was no more painful than being snapped with a rubber band. Although this was a great improvement over the alternative, it was not a relaxing and pleasurable way to spend several minutes or hours. Thankfully, today’s cutting edge technology has given us an even better laser: the Palomar Vectus.
How Is Laser Hair Removal Administered?
A Pierre Skin Care Institute laser hair removal session is very straightforward, despite the sophisticated technology powering the device. Dr. Peterson Pierre will use specialized software to customize your treatment to suit your skin and hair type.
The Palomar Vectus laser uses “Advanced Contact Cooling” with sapphire treatment tips to protect the skin and keep the patient comfortable throughout the laser hair removal treatment. No anesthetic is needed, because this laser eliminates the “snapping” sensation. Many of Dr. Pierre’s patients find the overall experience to be relaxing, with some nearly falling asleep during their session.
The length of an individual laser hair removal session varies, depending of the area or areas being treated—but it usually takes about one quarter of the time a traditional laser treatment requires. The Vectus laser has the only melanin reader cleared by the FDA, which allows Dr. Pierre to safely optimize the laser hair removal device for each patient’s ethnicity and skin type.
The average time to treat both legs with a typical laser is usually an hour or more. With the Palomar Vectus laser’s advanced technology and Dr. Pierre’s experience, a laser hair removal session for the legs takes an average of about 20 minutes.
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Why Choose Pierre Skin Care Institute for Laser Hair Removal in Thousand Oaks?
Beautiful results delivered safely require the most advanced technology being operated by a trained and experienced professional. As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Peterson Pierre is committed to those ideals at his Thousand Oaks practice, pairing rigorously researched devices with his years of education and work with a diverse range of patients. On top of this, he aims to give every patient an exceptional experience in a plush, spa-like setting.
What Laser Hair Removal Side Effects and Results Are Expected?
Patients typically do not deal with any after-effects of their laser hair removal treatments, and no down time is necessary. You should feel free to return to work or other activities, though you should avoid exposing the treated areas to the sun for several days after your session. This is because the skin will be sensitive and more prone to the impact of ultraviolet radiation.
The number of sessions needed for ideal results varies from person to person, but usually totals between six and 12 visits. After each treatment, you will notice a significant difference in both the number and the size of the hairs. Be aware that unwanted hairs may appear to grow longer in the first days after a session. This is because the follicle is pushing the hairs out before going dormant.
Are There More Laser Options in Thousand Oaks?
Because of the way laser energy targets pigmented cells, it is good for stimulating beneficial changes in the skin for ablative laser skin resurfacing and non-ablative LaseMD skin resurfacing. Pierre Skin Care Institute also offers laser skin tightening, as well as Clear + Brilliant, Cutera® Excel V, and Laser Genesis.
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