Medical Conditions

Get a Personalized Diagnosis and Treatment Plan in Thousand Oaks

Many patients seek out Pierre Skin Care Institute for cosmetic treatments in order to regain and maintain youthful-looking skin. As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Peterson Pierre also treats medical conditions that impact the skin, nails, and hair in Thousand Oaks.
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The most common medical condition of the skin in the United States appears in outbreaks that range from minor whiteheads to scarring cysts and nodules. Dr. Pierre will assess the severity of your acne and create a suitable plan that may involve topical or oral medications, laser and light treatments, and more.

Skin Cancer

The first lines of defense against skin cancer are routine sun protection and frequent skin checks. Early detection of malignant cells can be critical for starting the right treatment as soon as possible.
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There is no known cause or cure for this widespread, chronic medical condition linked to a family history of allergies or asthma. Dr. Pierre treats itchy eczema rashes with prescription lotions, moisturizer, and avoidance of harsh soaps for faster healing during a flare-up.


Also a chronic medical condition with no known cause or cure, psoriasis can be triggered by emotional stress, injury, systemic infection, and medications. Flare-ups of scaly plaques are managed with topical medications, phototherapy, oral or injectable medications, and more.


Visible veins and a tendency to easily blush or flush red are key symptoms of rosacea. Help ranges from identifying triggers to treating the persistent redness of this medical condition with lasers.


Moles are benign pigmented spots or bumps that, like birthmarks, are typically harmless. They may be removed by surgical excision. Patients should perform regular self-checks and visit Dr. Pierre for professional assessment, since the growths can appear very similar to cancerous lesions.

Warts and Molluscum

Fleshy growths commonly seen in youths, warts are caused by a virus that is not harmful—but is very contagious if not treated early.

Treatment for this medical condition includes various liquids applied to the growths or cryotherapy.


Excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis, can have a negative impact on daily life. The perspiration may be on the palms, on the scalp, or under the arms, but is not tied to heat, exercise, or underlying health conditions. Treatment options include prescription medications, electrical currents, surgical excision, and BOTOX® injections.

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