Which Areas of the Body Can CoolSculpting® Treat?
Many people associate fat with their belly—and for good reason! Abdominal budges are common, with women and men alike devoting considerable time, effort, and momey to flattening their midsection however they can. While a “gut” is at top of mind for many people, however, it’s not the only place bulges can be seen. That’s why Dr. Peterson Pierre offers CoolSculpting® at his Westlake Village practice. The fat-freezing device has various applicators and settings that allow for treatments just about anywhere that unwanted fat cells congregate.
So where exactly can CoolSculpting® work its power? Read on to learn more.
We’ve already said it, but we’ll say it again: The abdomen is a primary target for fat-freezing efforts. From a so-called “beer belly” to lingering fat left over from a pregnancy to a small “pooch” that just won’t go away with diet or exercise, the stomach area reponds well to CoolSculpting® treatments.
Fat on the flanks is often referred to as “love handles,” but many people don’t feel that fondly about it. Applying CoolSculpting® to both sides can help to slim down your silhouette while maintaining your symmetry and body balance.
There are many ways fat accumulates around the middle of the body, including a “muffin top” that spills out over the waistband of tighter pants and bottoms. Dr. Pierre excels at creating slimmer results that appear natural and complement the body’s other proportions and curves.
You’ve heard the saying, “These hips don’t lie.” There are several ways to take that phrase, and one of them involves wishing that these hips wouldn’t so loudly declare that they’re carrying around stubborn fat cells. Freezing the bulk can help them to “quiet down.”
Inner and Outer Thighs
The upper legs are a common area for large fat cells to fill the space below the skin. Patients can choose to focus on the inner or outer thigh for fat reduction, but they often see great results after thinking in 360 degrees. CoolSculpting® treatments are not either/or prospects. You can choose whichever areas you want to target to get the results that make sense and look good to you!
Bra rols are bulges of fat that get squeezed into visibility by tightly worn undergarments. If you get tired of seeing these in the mirror and knowing that they’re lurking there under your clothes, you can choose to reduce them without the need for surgery or downtime.
Fat cells found just below the face make a pocket of bulk that is commonly called a double chin. A small CoolSculpting® applicator can freeze the fat cells in this focused area to improve definition and help your profile to have true distinction.
To arrange a CoolSculpting® consultation for yourself, contact Pierre Skin Care Institute by sending a message online or calling 805.496.9190.