Who is an Ideal Candidate for Cheek Fillers?

It’s no secret that our facial appearance changes significantly as we age. In youth, we typically start off with a face that is more of triangle or heart shape with high, full cheeks. This becomes inverted as skin deflates and the lower jaw becomes heavier. The cheeks are often one of the areas where loss of fat and collagen are highly noticeable. As a result, the mid-face may develop a more gaunt and sunken appearance that we wish we could do something about. Cheek fillers for hollow cheeks at our Westlake Village practice are some of the most effective and simple ways to restore facial contours and a youthful appearance.

These injectable soft gels, which contain hyaluronic acid, are added beneath the skin, integrating into the tissue and acting like replacement for fat, collagen, or bone.

Unsure whether these treatments are the right option for you? Here’s what you should know. 

Cheek fillers are injectables that add volume and definition. In many cases, patients may decide to get cheek fillers because their cheeks have lost volume or their face has a droopier appearance—though if you have naturally high and chiselled cheekbones, you may not necessarily need cheek fillers.

Dermal fillers are intended for patients who are physically healthy and at a stable weight, are non-smokers, maintain realistic expectations, and are unhappy about the appearance of their cheeks. This includes those who feel like their cheeks are too thin, flat, or saggy. Patients who have mild to moderate wrinkles, such as pronounced nasolabial folds, may also benefit from this cosmetic treatment. 

Since the cheeks are such an important part of the facial bone structure, younger patients often get fillers to enhance their facial contours. These are highly customizable treatments, so patients who have a rounder face can use strategic injections to get a sharper, more angular appearance, while patients who are concerned about thin cheeks can use fillers to get a softer, more youthful look. 

Need more information about cheek fillers for hollow cheeks? If you’re ready to learn more, call our team at Pierre Skin Care Institute at 805-496-9190 or fill out a contact form to request an appointment. 

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