Benefits Of Having Cellutone Treatment

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Cellulite is a condition that occurs when accumulated fat is deposited beneath the skin’s surface, resulting in lumps and pimples visible in several areas of the body, including hips, butt thighs and stomach. Despite maintaining a healthy weight and leading a generally healthy lifestyle, one can still develop cellulite. The best way to get rid of cellulite is through CELLUTONE™ treatment at the Pierre Skin Care Institute.


CELLUTONE™ is a non-invasive treatment method used to get rid of cellulite. Cellutone uses acoustic wave therapy to improve the appearance and texture of the skin with no pain or forcing the client to compromise on their activities. It achieves this by increasing oxygen and blood supply which eliminate the fat deposits causing the cellulite. CELLUTONE™ treatment also prevents fat deposits that may cause cellulite in the future.


Is It Good For Me?

CELLUTONE™ treatment has no restrictions on who should use it, and it’s therefore recommended to anyone who seeks to improve the quality and appearance of their skin by getting rid of cellulite. The treatment process is painless and quick and doesn’t have downtime. This allows the client to carry on their daily activities with no interruptions. Since CELLUTONE™ treatment uses mechanical vibrations to eliminate fat deposits, it’s considered safe nearly everyone.

This treatment improves the circulation of oxygen, blood flow, and lymphatic drainage. This helps to improve the appearance of the skin, body contours and also helps to reduce swelling. Nonetheless, proper medical evaluation, patient counseling, and consultation with a professional are necessary to determine those that are best suited for the treatment.


Parts Of The Body That Can Be Treated With CELLUTONE™

Although most parts of the body with cellulite can be treated with CELLUTONE™, thighs and the buttocks respond better to treatment. The abdominal and waist area respond equally when undergoing a series of treatments. The following areas can be treated with CELLUTONE™:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Bra line area
  • Waistline or “love handles”


The Cellutone Treatment Process

The treatment process begins with the application of a gel on the skin, and then a handheld CELLUTONE™ device is placed directly on the skin. One can feel the vibration on their skin and an audible skin “pattering”-like sound, but the process is painless. The process takes around 7-10 minutes, and one may need 4-6 treatment sessions to achieve desired results. These sessions can be carried out over a period of 2-3 weeks.



One can see the results after the first treatment session, and these continue to improve gradually as one undergoes more sessions. The best results are achieved at the end of the treatment process and may continue even after one has completed the treatment.


If you have visible lumps, pimples or uneven texture on the skin surrounding the hips, butt thighs and stomach you may have developed cellulite. If you wish to get rid of it, visit our office at Pierre Skin Care Institute. A professional will assist and guide you through CELLUTONE™ treatment process. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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