Choosing a Dermatologist in Thousand Oaks

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Thousand Oaks residents deserve the very best when it comes to their skin care treatments. There are sometimes a confusing number of treatments available for every conceivable skin condition and patient goal. Getting a more detailed look into some of the most common treatments that our dermatologist offers can help you determine which one is right for you and your individual needs.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable gels that have helped many people who are dealing with fine lines and wrinkles on their face. They can be used in order to fill in static lines and wrinkles, as well as fill in areas where volume has been lost.

Laser Hair Removal

Having unwanted hair is a very common experience, and one that many people in Thousand Oaks seek to prevent. If you have grown tired of tweezing, shaving, or waxing to remove hair, you should look into having a laser hair removal treatment. Thousands of people have undergone the treatment to safely and effectively prevent the unwanted growth of hair.

One of the benefits of having a laser hair removal treatment is that it works in many different areas like the face, arms, legs, bikini line, and other parts. The amazing precision of laser technology is able to precisely target course hairs and leave surrounding tissue undamaged.

Our patients in Thousand Oaks love the incredible speed of the laser. Every laser pulse takes only a fraction of a second to treat a great number of hair follicles. The size of a quarter can be treated every second. Large areas can take significantly longer.

Medical Dermatology Services

Whether you are dealing with moles, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, or some other skin condition, our dermatologist in Thousand Oaks can help you. We offer a wide variety of medical dermatology services, and we are at the ready to help you!

Contact Us Today

When you talk to our dermatologist at Pierre Skin Care Institute in Thousand Oaks, you’ll see firsthand why he is the go-to practitioner in the area, as well as the Westlake Village area, for all things related to skin, hair, and nails. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more!

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