Remove Your Double Chin Non-Surgically with Kybella

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Many individuals who have a double chin have thought about using liposuction or other surgical procedures in order to remove it. There are a variety of different lifts that use various methods in order to help a person achieve a much slimmer neck. However, many individuals feel turned off when they begin to look at all of the risks that exist with a surgical procedure in order to get rid of a double chin. They feel like the benefits that they will see are not really worth the risk that they have to take. One of the biggest risks is that they will go through with the procedure and then feel unsatisfied with the results.

Kybella® is an injectable product that has been used effectively in recent years in order to help remove a person’s double chin non-surgically. When the product is injected into the area under the chin, it destroys the fat cells. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, they are eliminated through the body in a natural way. After a series of brief treatment sessions, most patients are able to say goodbye to their double chin. It is that simple.

The majority of individuals qualify for Kybella® treatment. The very first thing that a person needs to understand is that it is not a weight loss tool. It is used to help individuals who are already at a healthy weight get rid of stubborn pockets of fat under their chin that are simply resistant to exercise and diet. If you are struggling with getting your weight under control, we can talk about other options we have available.

Something else that is important for individuals to understand is that Kybella® is only approved at this time to be used to remove fat under the chin. It is an effective tool that gets rid of fat in a safe and quick way, but it is not approved to be used on other areas of the body. Also, it takes time for the fat to dissolve and be removed from the body. This means that you are not going to see immediate results; however, the wait is well worth it once you see your double chin disappear.

When you come in for your consultation at Pierre Skin Care Institute, we will examine the area you want to have treated and review your medical history. From there, we will determine if Kybella® is right for you. Our office is located in Thousand Oaks. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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