Which Types of Wrinkles Does BOTOX® Address?

Wrinkles are skin changes we can’t completely avoid as we age, because the chemical processes in our skin naturally slow over time. For example, skin starts to produce fewer of its building blocks—like collagen and elastin—with each passing decade. Additionally, fat, muscle, and bone in the face all begin to lose density as time goes by. This makes your skin more prone to developing wrinkles, even if you have a great skincare routine. Although some individuals may be able to accept these changes to their appearance, there are treatments available for wrinkles if they bother you. BOTOX® is the most well-known cosmetic treatment, ideal for minimizing frown lines and crow’s feet. Some patients know this, but many still wonder what kind of wrinkles BOTOX® helps. Our Thousand Oaks-based team at the Pierre Skin Care Institute can explain everything you need to know about this injectable wrinkle treatment during your consultation.

In the meantime, here are some basic tips anyone who is having cosmetic treatments for wrinkles should know. 

Although dermal fillers and botulinum toxin type A injections are sometimes grouped together and thought of as the same thing because they both address wrinkles, these two types of treatments are completely different. Wrinkles also aren’t all the same, and the best treatment for specific lines depends on their cause and location. Our repetitive daily facial movements—including everything from squinting, frowning, smiling, and lifting the eyebrows to talking and chewing—all have an impact on the skin. 

The skin is attached to muscles and is constantly being squeezed or stretched, which contributes to loss of elasticity. Eventually, creases begin to form in certain high-movement areas where facial expressions pull the skin most often into folds and furrows. These are known as dynamic wrinkles, and they are the types of lines that BOTOX® addresses.

BOTOX® is a muscle relaxer, meaning it works by reducing activity in facial muscles that are associated with causing wrinkles such as crow’s feet and glabellar lines.

Fillers work on lines and creases that appear due to intrinsic aging, usually as a result of volume loss. As the treatment’s name implies, the injectable gels “fill in” hollow areas to make the skin’s surface fuller and smoother.

Our team at Pierre Skin Care Institute can provide a detailed answer to these and any other questions you have about neuromodulators or facial fillers during your consultation. Call us at 805-496-9190 or fill out a contact form to request an appointment if you’d like to discuss wrinkle injections with us. 

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