Who Are the Best Candidates for Exilis Ultra?

Skin laxity or looseness is a condition that occurs when the skin loses its firmness and structure, so it begins to sag as a result. Regardless of how healthy our lifestyle is and how often we work out, everyone experiences some form of skin laxity at some time as our age increases. The main reason behind this is a loss of collagen networks, elastin fibers, and hyaluronic acid—all important molecules that help you maintain youthful skin. There are also other possible contributors to skin sagging, including menopause, excess sun exposure or artificial tanning, certain types of medications including steroids and corticosteroids, skin products or detergents with strong chemicals, smoking, and drinking alcohol.

Energy-based skin tightening treatments allow patients to firm up the skin that’s there by stimulating natural collagen to improve the skin’s elasticity instead of surgically removing the redundant skin. Exilis Ultra for non-surgical skin tightening at our Westlake Village office may be the most effective way of treating loose skin and wrinkles on the face or body. The radiofrequency-based Exilis Ultra treatment works by heating the skin to support collagen regeneration.

Here’s what would make someone a good candidate for this treatment:

• Having mild to moderate skin laxity, but not requiring more dramatic skin lifting and removal through cosmetic surgery 

• Being between your 30s to 50s (the years when skin usually begins to lose elasticity in a more noticeable way) 

• Not being pregnant and not taking certain medications or having certain skin conditions that would make the treatment riskier

• Wanting to delay or avoid having cosmetic surgery in the future 

• Having had previous cosmetic surgery and wanting to maintain firm skin without having to have additional surgeries

• Wanting to combine non-surgical skin tightening with other complementary procedures such as injectables and lasers or light-based treatments as part of a larger overall skin rejuvenation plan 

Get more details about non-surgical skin tightening from our team at Pierre Skin Care Institute. Call us at 805-496-9190 or fill out a contact form to request an appointment if you’re interested in treatments that can give you firmer, more youthful skin. 

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