Author: staff-login

How Do Chemical Peels Actually Work?

Chemical peels, which are also known as chemexfoliation or chemical exfoliation, are a cosmetic procedure that can improve everything from pigmentation irregularities to acne as a way of enhancing the appearance of the skin. As techniques have become increasingly advanced in recent times, chemical peels can deliver stunning results—with little or no downtime in some …

Is CoolSculpting® a Weight Loss Treatment?

It can be frustrating when—even after losing weight through lifestyle changes—you still can’t quite achieve the body shape you’ve always wanted. With that in mind, many patients wonder: Does CoolSculpting® work for weight loss? Many Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village-area women and men ask this question, and the Pierre Skin Care Institute team routinely sees patients searching for …

What Are the Best Skin Care Ingredients to Soothe Eczema?

What skin care ingredients are good for eczema? Westlake Village-area patients dealing with the problem often ask the Pierre Skin Care Institute for help. While the best information and plan of care will come from a consultation, it can be important to know a few strategies—as well as facts about eczema, also known as atopic …

3 Unexpected Causes of Skin Cancer You Should Know

Summer may be over, but its damage is likely lasting. With this in mind, want to know more about what causes skin cancer? Our Westlake Village-based team at Pierre Skin Care Institute can provide more information.  First, know that excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, whether from the sun or artificial sources, is the main cause of …

Which Types of Wrinkles Does BOTOX® Address?

Wrinkles are skin changes we can’t completely avoid as we age, because the chemical processes in our skin naturally slow over time. For example, skin starts to produce fewer of its building blocks—like collagen and elastin—with each passing decade. Additionally, fat, muscle, and bone in the face all begin to lose density as time goes …

How to Choose the Right Moisturizer if You Have Rosacea

Rosacea is a long-term skin disorder that primarily affects the face and can ultimately lead to physical changes that can cause negative psychological effects. There are many strategies for managing the condition, which often leads people to ask the Pierre Skin Care Institute about which specific treatments or options would be best. One of the …

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